Welcome to Zootests

Founded in 2009, Zootests proposes in animal productions R&D performances.

Zootests is a private and independent company



The new products development (genetic, additives, emerging products) needs validation of its efficiency by zootechnical expertise. Zootests makes available her skills, her expertise and R&D tools to assist in your future projects.

Effective tools

Effective tools

  • Farm network, hatcheries and slaughterhouse
  • Realized experiment in real conditions
  • Well equip laboratory and qualified staff
Adaptable Service

Adaptable Service

  • Research protocols
  • Experimental coordination
  • Laboratory physical measurements
  • Statistical analysis
  • Final report
Accredited organization

Accredited organization

By this approval, french government reconizes Zootests skill to coordinate R&D works for other companies.

Zootests customers can benefit from 30% tax credit on R&D works realized.

Effective tools

A farm network, hatcheries and slaughter house.

"Real" conditions

Well equiped laboratory and qualified staff

Efficient staff

4 Engineers: Data analysis, reports, internal R&D

9 Technicians: Experiment coordination, Data collection

Efficient staff